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第 150 届加拿大国庆日

生日狂欢 in 哈利法克斯

former Royal Canadian Navy ship

CSS 阿卡迪亚, 一艘前研究船和唯一的加拿大皇家海军船只仍然漂浮在两次世界大战中幸存下来,停泊在哈利法克斯海滨的大西洋海事博物馆。

哈利法克斯是加拿大大西洋沿岸最大的港口城市。自 1749 年以来,它一直在排斥和欢迎游客,并且仍然小到足以保持友好。海军和 2 所大学为以酒吧为中心的夜生活做出了贡献。随着城市的发展,它有一个适度的市中心。安全、现代且适合步行,历史悠久的石头建筑挤在餐厅和办公大楼之间。一个好的 新斯科舍省 介绍。

2017年航母 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower  礼节性访问哈利法克斯。这艘船太大了,它有自己的邮政编码。

An immigrant to Canada shows his official papers, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, C

位于 21 号码头的加拿大移民博物馆加拿大最新的国家博物馆——这座建筑让成千上万的移民开始了新的生活,其中包括 1950 年代来自荷兰的校友志愿者 George Zwaagstra。它相当于加拿大的纽约市埃利斯岛。 

Canadian passport


Immigration ships, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax
A game helps a family learn about their roots, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax
Food display, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax


A sculpture on the boardwalk near the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax
Sculpture of Dali-like bent light poles, the boardwalk, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Outdoor café on the boardwalk, Halifax


A sculpture and exterior view of Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax
Oil painting of warships by Group of Seven painter Arthur Lismer, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Interior view, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax

酒吧食物并不是哈利法克斯的一切。故事餐厅是一个典型的例子。厨师 Scott Vail 已经在热炉上工作了 19 年,正如我们的服务员 Eleanor 和 Katie 所说:“[他的] 食物是一种乐趣。”温馨的两室餐厅位于历史悠久的哈里伯顿酒店内。甜点可能是诺瓦尔·莫里索的画作。 “精致的东海岸板块在花哨的挖掘中”但超级休闲。 

Heritage property plaque, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dining room, Stories Restaurant, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Food plate, Stories Restaurant, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Food servers, Stories Restaurant
Food plate, Stories Restaurant, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dessert plate, Stories Restaurant, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Government House, the Lieutenant Governor's residence, Halifax, Nova Scotia

我们的晚餐实际上是在加拿大国庆日的前一晚。第二天早上,7 月 1 日,我起床去赶晨光。我喜欢惊喜。我们酒店后面的街道可能是杰克逊绘画。一艘海军舰艇看起来就像放在高速公路坡道上的模型。那是那些日子之一。

Early morning street scene of buildings, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Navy ship appears to rest on a highway overpass


Mother, son and daughter with Canadian flags, Canada Day, Halifax
Crowd with Canadian flags on Canada Day, Citadel Hill, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canadian pipe band marching past Citadel Hill, Canada Day parade, Halifax, Nova Scotia
 German military band marching past Citadel Hill, Canada Day parade, Halifax, Nova Scotia
 American military band marching past Citadel Hill, Canada Day parade, Halifax, Nova Scotia

我们差点错过了游行,但最终还是抓住了短裙的鼓声、管子和漩涡,之后每个人都爬上了国家历史遗址城堡山(乔治堡)用于 19 世纪的一些军事示威。

Canada Day crowds at Citadel Hill Fort George, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Re-enactors of 78th Highland Regiment marching at Citadel Hill Fort George, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Families play and rest on 18th century cannon gun barrels, Citadel Hill Fort George, Halifax, Nova Scotia

我们从山上漫步进入自然历史博物馆 孩子们自然非常喜欢在展览之间尖叫和比赛。 

Exhibit of extinct marine dinosaur, Museum of Natural History, Halifax, Nova Scotia

下港,全天免费大西洋海事博物馆是一件令人悸动的事情。展品范围从 1917 年爆炸的悲剧(二战前最大的非核爆炸)到泰坦尼克号和巡航黄金时代的纪念。通过电报我的名字,我设法在其中一个展览上获得了摩尔斯电码熟练证书,一滴盐水谦虚地接受了。

Boats at dock viewed from inside main building of Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia
 Exhibit of 1917 Halifax explosion, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Child's shoes retrieved from the Titanic sinking, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Model of ocean passenger liner, Child's shoes retrieved from the Titanic sinking, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Document detailing destruction caused by Exhibit of 1917 Halifax explosion, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

我们在酒店品尝了开胃小菜和饮料,然后前往亚皆老街及其周边的餐馆群,在傍晚时分享用小酒馆 Le Coq(p2022 年永久关闭) 我们以前喝过几瓶啤酒的地方.

Hotel chef preparing hor d'oevres
Plate of food with wine inside restaurant, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Outdoor dining, Argyle Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia

小镇处于派对模式。当我们回到海港时,看到 3 名穿着相配白色的女性,我要求拍照。什么是没有美女的派对?

3 women wearing white pose for the camera, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Canada Day fireworks over boats, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Boys beneath large Canadian flag


© 加里·克拉勒 2017
(2022 年更新) 


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